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    Ready to put an end to outdated FP&A?

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    If it’s not, you could be losing time, productivity, employees… and most importantly, money. Why? Because today’s business users have had enough of ugly, complicated business IT systems and spreadsheets scattered across hard drives and shared folders. They want applications that are intuitive and easy to use with engaging user interfaces (UI). While there is plenty of research that proves this point, we know it first-hand from years of consulting companies on how to implement and leverage database software for financial planning.

    Companies focusing on user-experience (UX) and user-interface design in their products improve revenue, loyalty, and market share. With that in mind, we put user-experience at the heart of our product – Limelight.

    Limelight, the financial planning, and analysis solution we developed based on what we know finance teams want and need, adds a user-friendly front end to financial databases making underlying database processes and information make sense to users.

    By implementing this fresh, modern financial management platform, finance teams and companies of all sizes collect, analyze and visualize their financial data more easily and accurately, saving money and boosting productivity.

    Limelight’s consumer-grade user experience truly sets it apart. It’s as simple and intuitive as the smartphone and tablet applications we use every day. We see the impact of Limelight’s fresh interface in how quickly our clients’ business users adopt it. They actually enjoy using it and this pays dividends in productivity and job satisfaction. While user value is extremely important, clients are even more impressed with how Limelight reduces task processing time.

    A long-time customer of ours, GSW Manufacturing, can attest to this. The company used to be heavily dependent on using spreadsheets with manual data input. They didn’t have time or the resources to examine and maximize the value of their data. Now that they have connected Limelight’s user-friendly front-end to their IBM Cognos database, they’ve dramatically sped up their financial planning and reporting processes, including reducing their budget reviews from 30 reviews to just one.

    Now, tasks that previously took days are completed in minutes and we have the tools, time and expertise to gain deeper insights from our data that are fueling our business decisions and global competitiveness, says Chris Parriott, Business Intelligence Specialist, GSW Manufacturing.

    Monetary and user value that companies gain by adopting Limelight.

    Monetary Value

    • Increased employee productivity
    • Increased use of existing software license
    • Fewer data errors = lower costs
    • Lower training costs
    • Lighter load on IT service desks
    • Faster resolution of IT issues
    • Fewer change requests
    • Savings from upgrading instead of replacing existing software

    User Value

    • More satisfied employees
    • Higher retention rates
    • Greater internal collaboration and cohesion
    • Better performance overall

    Numerous industry studies have stated that every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return. So, when you invest in a financial planning app that is engineered for user-experience, you’re bound to see a positive return.

    See how Limelight’s user interface can help transform the way you manage finance. Book a demo.


    Limelight Product Tour